Beard Brush | Samson33™

Beard Brush | Samson33™
Beard Brush | Samson33™
Beard Brush | Samson33™
* Beard Brush:

USD 16.00
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Official Samson33™ Solid Wood Beard Brush

Available in:
Soft Bristles – For beards up to 2"
Hard Bristles – For Beards 3" or longer

Our quality brushes are made with real bores hair, not synthetic materials.  High quality hair brushes are usually made with real or wild boar bristles in which beauty experts say significantly reduces frizz and works very well in efficiently spreading sebum, your hair oils throughout your hair for a shiny healthy look.  Hair experts recommend the use of a hairbrush with natural bristles, without synthetic bristles. One of the main reasons why boar bristles are recommended over nylon is pure boar bristles don't damage your hair, they don't generate static electricity, and they maintain your hair's elasticity.