However you decide to promote this business is up to you. Work at your own pace, your effort will determine your results. Sell in-person or online, or grow a team of rockstars and enjoy residual income. You can shape this opportunity where it best fits within your lifestyle and needs. Work when and where you want. We promise to keep your replicated website looking fresh! We catch attention with strong branding and keep attention with premium products. We make your customers fall in love at first click.
Designed with the user in mind for an easy browsing experience. Special attention to detail has been placed on both mobile and desktop experiences to make sure that no matter how your customers shop they are always happy. We also offer different ways and promotions for customers to save money and keep them coming back. Never lose a customer again because our Customer Retention System guarantees your customers always shop your store. Track and communicate with customers right from your back office. Just click and we will ship directly to your or your customer cutting costs for you!
Right after signing up you’ll gain access to your very own Virtual Office, a secure section of our website available only to our representatives. We have cutting edge tools to maintain your customers, as well as detailed info on their shopping history. Personalize your website with your picture, social account links and custom messages. You have a unique URL for easy shopping, contact pages for fast connections and so much more! You’ll find training, sales tracking and team reports, real-time commission reports, marketing downloads, sales leaderboards... We’ve got the tools, you bring the excitement and work as little or as much as you want and write your own paycheck.
We are here to help you! We want to see your friends, family and yourself living healthier more fulfilling lifestyles and we want you to be the machine that powers that change. We pay up to 20% commission on personal sales PLUS earn up to 5% additional commission from your team. We don’t believe in taking your money and then waiting to get it back, so enjoy discounts when logged into your account.
We'll make sure you have the tools you need to successfully manage your business and stay in the loop. We are dedicated to “no one left behind”. In your back office you will find training resources and step-by-step guides. Most of all... we want you to enjoy yourself and take back control of your time, money & health! We make it easy- you make it awesome!
We have the tools you need to build your business!
Your account will be immediately active after signup.